ni status at 11:11 am

do not request if you are racist, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic, ableist, can’t respect religions, are a zionist or are anti semitic, invalidate pronouns
carrd request: open | for any kind of help you need with your carrd feel free to leave it my chatbox ill get back to you soon | if you want me to do tutorials do let me know in my cbox
anyone can request i mean any fandom (until and unless you don’t fall in the dri category), you need to be following me and have to rt my pinned.. if you unf after receiving the carrd i have the complete right to delete your carrd/call you out, i make carrds for free, don’t request if the requests are close, i’m the only one making the carrd, so please have patience [any rude behaviour will be blocked], i have the complete right to deny your requests
firstly you need to make sure you have a verified carrd account, having space for one carrd
now you need to fill the form below, to build yourself a carrd. if i deny the request i’ll dm you!
i also make carrds using carrd pro, however i charge for them, price ranges 1$-5$!
after the carrd is ready, i’ll send it to you on dms, you can let me know about any changes you want me to make and finally i’ll ask you for your carrd id to transfer the carrd to you. [if u don’t reply or accept transfer req, i’ll delete the carrd] and that’s it you are good to go

carrds i have made so far

free templates

do not remove my water mark/tag me if you use them.

please feel free to correct me and educate if you think i have gone wrong anywhere!

chat with me

thank you for visiting !